Speech Therapy
Speech therapists (also known as speech-language pathologists) evaluate, diagnose and treat patients with a wide variety of conditions that affect oral motor skills, swallowing, and speech and language abilities. Speech therapists at Merit Health Wesley work closely with neurologists, ENT (ear, nose and throat) doctors and other specialists to thoroughly evaluate patients and treat a variety of conditions.
Speech therapists at Merit Health Wesley provide education, support and treatment strategies to improve communication and swallowing. Our services include:
- Articulation therapy
- Augmentative communication
- Aural rehabilitation
- Cognitive therapy
- Evaluations
- Language therapy
- Modified barium swallows
- Oral motor/facial strengthening
- Pediatric language/speech development
- Pediatric swallowing/feeding
- Speaking valves
- Speech therapy
- Swallowing rehabilitation
The team of speech therapists provides customized treatment plans to address each patient's unique challenges, and offers valuable information and encouragement to support each individual's goals.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call (601) 268-5015.